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Open source apps talking to sonos speakers

Control your sonos speakers from the console.


Control sonos speakers from your mqtt server

mqtt home-automation

Custom sonos music service for self-hosted Navidrome


TypeScript Simon J


(unofficial) Sonos controller for Linux

Noson Linux

Sonos CLI that uses the cloud, written in Rust

cli Ronor

Powerful command line controller for Sonos


Sonos support for ioBroker




Open source libraries for controlling sonos speakers

The most feature complete sonos library for node and TypeScript, since it uses a generator to create all the service classes

typescript node

Sonos library for dotnet core, it uses the generator to create all the service classes

dotnet csharp

Golang package for controlling Sonoses

A Go module for controlling Sonos devices

GERMAN LANGUAGE: sonos2 ist eine Sammlung von Befehlen welche die php class PHPSonos nutzt um Sonos player via http Befehle von Loxone aus zu steuern.

loxone german

Python library to control your sonos speakers

IP-Symcon PHP Modul um Sonos Lautsprecher zu steuern

PHP library for interacting with Sonos speakers.

Control Sonos speakers with Ruby.

A Go-language library for accessing UPnP AV devices

Node library to control your sonos speakers.

JavaScript Ben Evans

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